
Buck Hammer, Nazi Slammer

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Literature Text

  Lightning flashed.

      For the tiniest fraction of a second the whole room was
  cast in a blinding white light, carving out every detail in a frozen moment.
  Alice Brown's eye took in all it needed in that moment- the lay of the stairs,
  the guard's eyes gazing in the wrong direction, and the door sitting just an
  inch ajar. 

      Thunder boomed.

      It had been less than a second. The stormhead had broken
  right over the castle. Alice wasn't sure whether that should be a surprise or
  not, and whether it was good news or bad news. The guards were distracted by
  the weather, which definitely worked in her favour. A little over an hour ago
  there had been a diving screech and an explosion as some aircraft tumbled
  through the maelstrom and collided catastrophically with the ground. Half the
  facility's guards had been sent out to investigate, giving Alice the perfect
  chance to make her move.

      But then again, what if they brought the storm with
  some sort of arcane experiment? Worse still, what if they planned to
  harness its power?

      It wasn't a secret Nazi laboratory for nothing, after all.

      A quick hard slam of her trusty sap put the guard out. She
  took care not to grunt as his weight fell into her arms, and silently set him
  down in the corner.

      The old door creaked as she slipped through, though, even
  though it was open less than a foot. She froze in the darkness and waited to
  see if she'd been noticed. When no sound came back, she continued on.

      She wasn't quite sure what the appeal of these creepy old
  castles was for Nazi scientists, but they were a pain for her line of
  work. Everything creaked and cracked. The heavy patter of the rain
  reverberated throughout the whole structure, and she had yet to pass through a
  room without a dripping ceiling, or freezing walls wet with condensation.
  Drafts found their way in through the loose piles of rock that made up the
  walls, and made it colder inside than out. Every flagstone had been bent and
  broken between the freezing storms and occasional moments of summer sunshine.
  Not that she was going to see one of those any time soon.

      None of these made for good sneaking. Wet meant splashing,
  or worse, slipping in a puddle, and that'd be the end of her. A sharp gust, in
  addition to playing havoc with her skirt, might send shivers down her spine,
  and she did not want jitters when she was setting fuses. Worse still
  the warped floors could pitch and yaw under your feet, sending you tumbling to
  the floor or into the arms of a storm trooper.

      But she managed, somehow. Hop over that puddle, avoid that
  flag stone, duck under the flagging light of a roaring torch.

      Castles had their benefits, of course, when it came to
  being a spy. The walls sprouted handholds like a bad case of acne in their old
  age, even if the whole fortress was four hundred metres above sea level
  in the first place. The rain pretty much scrapped chances of that, though.
  They also had a healthy supply of nooks and crannies to secret yourself away
  in, and sometimes, if you were very lucky, secret passageways that the Nazis
  themselves didn't know about. Annoyingly, this was the first castle this month
  not to have any such secret passageways, a sore pain for the British

      Looks like it'd be down to her ingenuity and stiff upper
  lip again, she thought, readjusting the hairpin upon her ebon locks.

      Sometimes, Alice questioned the wisdom of MI5's dress code.
  Her knee length skirt could be quite annoying at times, and even the
  smallest regulation heels were a pain. No-one had ever bothered to explain to
  her why the male agents were advised to keep a short crop of hair, while she
  was encouraged to let hers cascade over her shoulders. Still, though, there
  wasn't much room for complaining; if she wanted to help the war effort it was
  this or the munitions factories. It was hard to get far as a woman.

      Unless you could pass as a man.

      She frowned at her prodigious chest. Between them, her
  breasts had completely sunk any chance she ever had of sneaking into the

      It was hard to stay mad at them, though. As much of a
  hindrance as they may have been to her military career, they had been
  indispensable in espionage.

      Just as Alice began to question if she'd become completely
  and utterly lost in the dungeon-like stronghold, she heard a sharp peel of
  maniacal laughter.


      She turned, and tip toed down the corridor on her left.


  Olga von Vunderbra continued to laugh. A brilliant scientist, she excelled in
  all areas of both biology and villainy. She had emerged from the ranks for
  both her keen interest in eugenics, and her ability to maintain an evil laugh
  for a full four minutes without stopping. Currently she stood in her lab, head
  rolled back and hands on her hips as more and more cackling spilled from her

      The deep, hearty motion sent waves through her body,
  causing her massive breasts to roll and jiggle like puddings in an earthquake.
  Her minuscule uniform hid nothing as her endowments tumbled within, testing
  the tiny buttons with every wobble. The gaudy collection of medals decorating
  her jacket danced and jingled wildly like a swishing array of sequins. All
  movement was halted dead on her waist, though, where the stark black belt
  formed a noose around the impossibly narrow point in her figure. 

      Finally her insane laugh died down to a giggle and then a
  titter before petering out into a wide grin that showed all of her perfect
  white teeth. "Oh, I cannot vait to finish da machine..." she cooed to
  herself, walking slowly around her laboratory, obscene hips swaying from side
  to side. "Zhen ve vil show those allied dogs." she cackled in a
  thick, German accent.

      Alice uttered a silent prayer of thanks for the fact that
  all Nazis monologued in English. This would have been completely

  incomprehensible in German. The little shutter on the lab's door proved a good
  vantage point, allowing her to get an eyeful of the lab, and it's mistress.

      Or at least an eyeful of her huge swinging backside. Olga
  was turned away from the door, meaning there was no risk of discovery. Alice
  didn't need to see her face to recognise Doctor Olga von Vunderbra, though.
  She'd clashed with the mad scientist half a dozen times now, and would
  recognise both the ridiculous laugh and the ridiculous curves anywhere. The
  German wunderkind had designed zeppelins and ziggurats that could shoot
  lightning, rifles that pierced lead and submarines that could fly. Thanks to
  Alice the more brilliant and deadly of her designs, though, had never seen the
  light of day. She still had an annoying nack for escaping. That and setting
  her castle/volcano/tropical island/ancient ruins - laboratory to have an auto
  destruct. It was a wonder the Nazis had any labs left thanks to this

      And now she had built something else. Just what was
  hard to determine. She was waltzing around it, now, her black boots squeaking
  on the floor as she ran gloved fingers along the length of the nearly finished
  device. As Alice knew from experience, she loved her work. 

      "Ugh, Mein little ray vants to be vired, doezn't he?" she
  moaned, pressing both hands upon the device.

      'Little' was possibly the understatement of the war.
  She was currently stroking what looked like a massive electrode. At one end
  was a huge steel sphere, bigger than a man's head, and polished so perfectly
  that you could see your distorted reflection in it. This was atop a metre long
  cone of dark, ugly metal, several feet across at its base. Two spiralling
  grooves criss crossed along the length of the cone, as if two oppositely
  patterned drills had been fused together. Alice couldn't see beyond the base
  from her current vantage point. Whatever it was, though, looked like it ought
  to be mounted on a tank. She didn't quite fancy discovering what this "ray"

      "Don't vorry..." Olga whispered to her machine. "Vonce you
  are operational it von't take long... I already have a test subject picked

      Alice bit her lip, and weighed her options. She had to stop
  Olga, that was for sure, preferably before some poor soul ended up in front of
  her weapon. The scientist was alone and unguarded now, but... she could hold
  her own in a fight.

      The two had their fair share of punch ups already, if
  you could call it that, and Alice was surprised to find how her three hours of
  hand to hand combat training had proven ineffective against the scientist. It
  stung like hell for her when she got punched in the breast, but Olga
  didn't even flinch as she pummeled those jiggling punching bags of hers. Plus
  they were completely smothering if it developed into a wrestling match. The
  same went for her behind, as nice as "kick her ass" sounded, it just hadn't
  proven to be a viable strategy.

      Not to mention that Olga had the home team advantage here.
  God only knew what horrors she had cooked up in her lab, ready to sick upon
  any intruder. The four armed monkeys had been bad enough. Or, there was always
  the possibility she owned a gun. Trusty though her sap was, it didn't quite
  match up to a luger. She would have to question her superiors about getting a
  sidearm of her own some day.

      With a direct assault out of the question, that left her
  specialty... hiding.

      Thunder cracked outside, and a howling wind blasted through
  the corridor's unglassed window. She took another glance through the grating.
  Olga was distracted, currently straddling her weapon as she set about the
  final adjustments. The lab had a window on the same wall, flanked on all sides
  by crates. Perfect.


  "Sorry to drop in, gents."

      The Nazis looked up just in time to see a pair of fists
  flying towards their faces. With a double smack they collapsed.

      "My plane just happened to have a spot of trouble and I had
  to put down nearby."

      The third soldier gave a panicked look and grasped for his

      "Met some charming men looking to kill me. Friends of

      An uppercut to the abdomen winded the nazi and send the gun
  tumbling out of his hands. He reeled backwards towards the window.

      "Oh, and the name's Buck. Buck Hammer."

      Another punch spun the trooper out the window frame. His
  hands scrabbled for purchase but found little on the rain slick rocks, and
  went falling with a long, trailing scream.

      "Huh." Buck shrugged. "Guess he couldn't hang

      Angry german shouts heralded from nearby, accompanied by a
  dozen pairs of boots hammering against the flagstones.

      "Oh, good." Buck grinned, "Looks like everyone's in a hurry
  to meet me."


  The moment was ripe.

      Olga had bent over to dust a speck of dirt off her shoe,
  making sure to maintain the immaculate shine of the black leather boots. Right
  now she was just a huge black bottom wobbling atop a pair of legs. For once
  "kicking her ass" might prove the perfect strategy, sending her tumbling to
  the floor and placing her head in the perfect position for a deft blow from
  her sap. And once the good doctor was out of the picture she could make sure
  this weapon and her research would never be used against allied forces.

      Licking her lips, Alice began to stand-

      When the sounds of a scuffle filled the lab.

      Olga immediately snapped up straight. She strained her ears
  and slid her rimless glasses back into position.

      Alice cursed silently and crouched back down. The moment
  was over, and while Olga's behind was still a plump target it would prove
  nowhere near as effective. Not to mention whatever was going outside...

      German shouts were filtering through the door, along with
  footfalls, smacks and slams of combat. And they were getting closer.

      Olga tutted. "Vhat could that be..." she asked herself.

      From her hiding place Alice couldn't see what she was
  doing, but she had a fairly good idea. Olga's footsteps crossed the lab, and
  she began rummaging about in a drawer. An evil giggle spilled out of her lips
  when she found what she was looking for, and the drawer was slammed shut. Her
  boots clicked across the floor, back towards the door. Alice squeezed
  down into position so that she could spy the door through a gap in the crates.

      This turned out to be opportune, as soon as she looked at
  the door it was burst open by a wailing Nazi heading back-first into the room,
  and falling to the floor.

      Olga and Alice looked at the doorway, for once sharing an
  expression of confusion, as a strapping figure strode into the room. Between
  the flying cap, trailing scarf and leather bomber jacket, it was obvious that
  the new arrival was a pilot. Once more Olga and Alice shared emotions, as
  dread gripped them simultaneously. An American Pilot.

      "Oh, I'm sorry." the pilot declared in a put on deep voice.
  "I should have knocked, shouldn't I?"

      Another soldier had been dashing towards the door, just in
  time to be accosted by the stranger. Gripping the nazi by the collar, the
  pilot began pounding his skull, before dropping him in a heap on the floor.

      "Buck Hammer's the name." the stranger announced, turning
  back to Olga.

      "Vas is das? The great Buck Hammer? But I tought he vas a
  man." Olga asked, raising her eyebrow.

      "I am!" Buck squeaked in a high pitched and
  decidedly unmasculine voice. After clearing "his" throat Buck repeated,
  "I am." in the same deep, put on voice as before. "I mean, I don't know what
  you're talking about you Krazy Kraut. Buck Hammer's as manly as corned beef,
  and he's here to cook your hash!"

      Without further ado, the American charged into battle,
  delivering a decisive right hook to Olga's chest. The German winced, but
  hardly reeled from the blow as her chest jumped back into life, rippling like
  a disturbed pond.

      Buck's jaw dropped. "How can that not hurt? When
  someone punches me in the-"

      Olga half heartedly knee'd Buck between the legs. The pilot
  looked down, curiously, at the ineffective attack.

      "I told you you vere not a man." Olga grinned.

      "Oh. I mean Ow! Damn you you she bi-"

      Before Buck could continue, the scientist socked him in
  his chest.

      "Owwwww!" Buck squealed, hopping back, clearly in
  real pain now.

      Olga chuckled villainously as the American fell back,
  bracing "him"self on the pile of crates near the back of the lab.

      "Looks like I'll have to give you a taste of your own
  medicine..." Buck panted, barely capable of maintaining a "manly" accent. He
  clutched one of the crates behind him and began to heave it over head.

      "Dat's not medicine." Olga pointed out. "Das is a crate of
  copper amplifiers."

      "Oh whatever." Buck shot back, giving up any attempt
  to sound like a man. "Now... ugh... eat... this!"

      Olga did not, in fact, eat "this", or anything of the sort.
  Buck made the mistake of paying attention for once, and noticed the look of
  utter surprise on the German's face. Even moreso, she noticed that Olga wasn't
  even looking at the crate of copper amplifiers that was about to come crashing
  down on her, but the empty space where the the crate had been. Buck followed
  her gaze, down to the young woman, black haired woman crouched low to the
  ground, directly behind where the crate had been. She had a horrified
  expression on her face as if she'd just been spotted by a malicious nazi
  psychopath who she had been trying very hard to hide from.

      Olga giggled.

      Buck turned to face her, just in time to see the scientist
  level a small black device at her, and see the electricity crackle out of it
  and into her. The crate tumbled out of her hands, thumped against her already
  unconscious head, and slammed to the floor, spilling its contents all over the

      Olga turned her eyes, and her weapon, to Alice.

      "I don't suppose that thing only has one charge in it?" the
  Briton asked, hopefully.

      Another tiny bolt of lightning arced from the device, this
  time shooting into Alice.

      "Nein." Olga replied, pursing her plump crimson lips to
  puff away the trail of smoke coming from her weapon. "Two charges." she
  explained, casually tossing the device to the floor.

      The guards arrived to the sound of Evil laughter.


  "Ugghhh... where am I...?"

      "In a castle's dungeon somewhere in south eastern Germany."
  Alice replied.

      Buck blinked, and looked around. The woman certainly seemed
  on the money, going by the ancient stone walls surrounding them. The black
  haired girl was currently hunched over the room's door.

      Buck cleared her throat. "Why, thank you young woman. I'm
  Buck Hammer, Nazi Slammer. And you?" she asked in her faux manly voice.

      Alice rolled her eyes. "Alice Brown. MI5."

      She had been briefed that, in times of war, you must tell
  your name and rank to anyone who doesn't speak with a German accent.
  Considering Olga already knew all the important details, it hardly mattered

      "And you can drop that act." she added, impatiently.

      "Why, I don't know what you mean, err, doll." Buck
  continued, moving towards the door in ridiculous wide strides intended to
  imitate manliness.

      Alice stood, and turned around to face "Buck". She had no
  intention of keeping this sharade up, but it didn't look like the American was
  going to stand down in a hurry. She strode purposefully across the cell,
  grabbed Buck's jacket before she could stop her, and forcefully yanked it

      A perfect pair of breasts bounced out, loosely covered by a
  dull vest.

      "Those are some funny pecs you got there, Buck."
  Alice sighed.

      Buck blushed furiously, and snapped her jacket shut again.
  "H-h-how did you know?" she whimpered, masculine bravado vanishing instantly.

      "Besides it being obvious?" Alice asked, returning
  to the door.

      "I- it's not obvious." Buck snapped, regaining some
  of her pride without switching back to her deep accent. "I've served under
  dozens of COs who never batted an eyelid! They all said that no woman could
  slam a Nazi like me." she grinned.

      Alice rolled her eyes. "You ever tried to put that act by a

      Buck rolled her own eyes in return. "Of course not, there
  are no women in the army." Buck retorted, although seemed ready to eat her
  words as soon as she finished.

      "Yeah. Maybe all the guys were too busy trying to think you
  weren't hot, but once you get over that, it's pretty obvious. Men don't have
  hips like that. Or cheeks like that. Or hair like that."

      Buck looked herself over, and realised that, amongst other
  things, her flight cap had fallen off. Now the shoulder length brown hair
  she'd been hiding bounced freely down her neck, making her look decidedly
  girlish. She also had to admit that this Alice girl might have had a point.
  She'd managed to press her breasts down under a nice thick jacket, but her
  hips were still healthy curves out of her body that didn't quite look manly.
  As for her cheeks, now pink with embarrassment, she didn't want to dwell on.

      "Why does my head hurt?" she asked, finally, as her fingers
  found the painful bump bulging out of the back of her skull.

      Alice spun on the spot, and glared at Buck.
  "Because you dropped a crate on it."

      "... I don't remember doing that." Buck said to herself,
  staring at the ceiling and rubbing her chin.

      "Allow me to remind you." Alice barked.
  "I was about to emerge from hiding incapacitate Olga von Vunderbra
  before she put the finishing touches on her new death ray, when you
  came charging through the castle with a squadron of nazis following you, and
  punched her in the boob. When that didn't work, you decided to throw the crate
  I was hiding behind at her, but instead stood around like a
  moron waiting to get shot. Which you did."


      Buck scratched her head, wincing as her fingers came to
  close to the bump.

      "... now I remember."

      Alice fumed silently. Giving up on the door, she sat down
  in the far corner of the room.

      "I'm really sorry about all this Ally." Buck
  apologised, genuinely.

      "It's Alice." she hissed.

      "Alice. Anyway, I'm sorry, but... please
  don't tell anyone I'm a girl?"

      Alice's jaw just dropped in surprise. "What?"

      "Okay, maybe it's obvious and maybe anybody who doesn't
  want up my skirt could spot it a mile away, but so far it hasn't happened. But
  if they find out I'm a girl I'll be back Stateside 'fore you can say
  Mississippi, baking regulation apple pies for when the boys come back." Buck
  explained, a note of frustration entering her speech as she finished. "They
  won't let me be Buck Hammer, Nazi Slammer any more."

      "... you think we're just gonna waltz out of here and
  that's going to be your biggest problem?" Alice asked. The fire of anger had
  left her voice, though, and there was just a serious disbelief to it.

      Buck grinned. "Don't tell me you've never broken out of a
  Nazi prison before."

      Alice had to admit, she had a point.

      "Okay. If we get out of this mess I won't let on that
  you're a woman." she conceded.

      "Great." Buck grinned. "Now, whatsay we get out of here?"

      "Not so fast my little fraulein."

      Both girls spun to see Olga standing in the doorway,
  flanked by more guards.

      "Mein machine is ready."


  "You think you're the first Nazi to tie Buck Hammer to a wall and point a
  giant cannon at him? Think again!"

      One might expect such a statement to be followed by a
  dramatic escape, but really it was just followed by more grunting and
  struggling with the leather straps attaching her to the wall.

      "Maybe not mein American friend, but I shall be the first
  to hit her." Olga chuckled.

      "Why I oughta..."

      "Shut up, Buck." Alice groaned. "What the hell do
  they teach you in America? Now is when we get her to tell us her master plan,
  and how the machine works."

      "Ahahahha, you'd like to know, vould you not?" Olga
  grinned. "Vine, I vill tell you." she declared dramatically.

      Alice resisted her urge to grin. The only thing bigger than
  Olga's ludicrous tits was her ego.

      "Vell, vell, today vill be a momentous occasion. Buck
  Hammer and Alice Brown two of the thorns in our nation's side vill become
  great allies."

      "You didn't tell me you were a thorn in Germany's side."
  Buck interrupted, looking over to the British agent.

      Alice rolled her eyes. "It's not something I like to

      "Today the Master Race marches over Europe." Olga
  continued, ignoring the interruption. "Ve are strong, but Germany's sons und
  daughters are too busy fighting to create the next generation! To conquer the
  whole Vorld ve vill need more- more Germans! Und I have found a vay to
  make them."

      Alice and Buck exchanged confused and alarmed expressions
  as the monologue continued.

      "Vhen my beam strikes you, your vomb vill fill vith dozens
  of Aryan young!" Olga complained, once more stroking the length of the ray
  gun, which was now pointed squarely at Buck. "You vill become mothers to

      Buck and Alice exchanged glances once more, before
  delivering the requisite line in sync. "You're crazy."

      Olga laughed madly. "Maybe you vill feel different vonce
  you are closer to mother Germany." As she spoke she walked casually over to
  the weapon.

      "Uhh, don't you want to use it on Alice first?" Buck

      Alice shot her a furious expression.

      "I-I mean, it wouldn't work on-" she cleared her throat and
  assumed as manly a voice as she could muster. "A man."

      This only inspired yet another bought of maniacal
  laughter from Olga. "I tink not mein fraulein. I cannot vait 'til the allied
  dogs find out that their hero, the great Buck Hammer, is pregnant." she
  declared, before resuming her hysterics.

      With that Olga turned to the huge lever jutting out of the
  machine's side, and gave it a hard yank. The machine leapt into life, rumbling
  and humming like a tiny power plant. Glowing green energy began to slowly
  trickle down the groves of the conical weapon, heading steadily towards the
  polished steel sphere at its end.

      "Uhhh, if these straps are gonna snap, this'd be the
  time..." Buck muttered, tugging wildly at her bonds.

      They did not oblige, and the two spirals of energy met in
  the round head of the device. It began to glow, dimly at first, but then
  stronger, building towards an eerie green version of a tungsten lamp.

      "Dammit, why did I turn down all those plucky sidekicks
  they offered me?!" Buck cursed. "I could really go one right about-"

      Before the American could finish her sentence, the machine
  fired. A massive vwoip sound filled the lab as it began to discharge. A
  straight arc of power shot from the sphere towards Buck, thin as a thread with
  with a thick aura of green energy lingering around it. It flew steadily
  enough, but no where near as fast as a bullet.

      Buck flinched at the last moment, yanking her shoulders
  back as she averted her eyes from the beam. As she did so, though, her bomber
  jacket pulled open. The beam found her, square in the chest, but rather than
  pumping in to the American, it shot straight back out. Buck looked down in
  surprise to see that the dog tag dangling from her neck had caught the beam,
  and reflected it- right back at Olga.

      "I guess it really is time for you to have a taste of your
  own medicine!" Buck declared in her male voice once more.

      However, Olga merely watched impassively as the beam flew
  towards her voluminous breasts. It met, but once more did not take, striking
  the wall of medals adorning her endowments, and bouncing back. The beam shot
  back across the room towards Alice.

      'I knew I should have worn that broach today.' Alice
  thought morosely.

      This time nothing obstructed the beam and it flowed freely
  into the British Agent.

      "You... idiot..." Alice barked at Buck, as she
  quickly realised once more that this was all her fault.

      Alice had held out some hope that either the machine
  wouldn't work, or it would simply impregnate her, leaving a good three months
  before she started to "show". Even with the "dozens of babies" Olga promised,
  they wouldn't make much of an impact on her figure if they were freshly

      Unfortunately, it did not quite work as she hoped.

      Immediately she felt pressure from within her skin, like a
  big meal pressing against her gut and telling her she had eaten too much. Next
  her clothes began to tighten across her middle. She felt as if she'd foolishly
  donned a corset, and now someone was tugging harder and harder at the laces.
  It did not last long, though, as with an audible pop the button in the
  side of her skirt went flying sideways across the room and into Buck's cheek.
  She owed in protest, but quickly forgot, enthralled by Alice's changing
  body. As the button popped off Alice breathed an instant sigh of relief as the
  pain subsided. Her relief did not last long, though, as she looked down to see
  her pink stomach curving out beyond her breasts. She winced as her shirt grew
  tight too, and sighed once more when a series of pops released her from it.
  Horror now replaced any lingering feelings of release, as she caught sight of
  her now clearly pregnant waist swelling out in front of her.

      As titanic as it was, though, her womb wasn't the only
  source of alarm. Alice felt new nests of tightness enclosing around her chest
  and buttocks. Looking down at her rapidly swelling belly, it was impossible
  not to notice that her chest was ballooning along with it, filling her shirt
  more and more. Worse still they were filling her brassiere. Wires creaked and
  screamed as the 'torpedo' cups looked as if they'd live up to their name and
  go rocketting off her chest. She almost wished they would as her
  breasts were crushing themselves inside the wire prison. A sharp snap
  from behind was followed by even more pops in front as her bra strap
  snapped, releasing her bosom to bulge against her shirt. Two milky mounds of
  cleavage now spread before her eyes, and the limp forms of her bra cups still
  pressed up against the shirt by the mountains of breast now underneath them.

      She didn't even want to think about the way her
  skirt was now hugging her behind.

      Apparently Olga hadn't been lying about dozens of babies.
  Even as her bra exploded, Alice's belly had continued to bulge outwards,
  tackling trimesters in a matter of seconds. Her belly button had abruptly
  popped from in to out along the way. She had expected something to happen- the
  process stopping hopefully- when she reached what might have been term.
  She'd even prepared herself for the dreadful onset of labour. But no, her
  belly just continued to wobble out bigger and broader, past any pregnant woman
  she'd ever seen before.

      Finally the machine settled down, the flows of green energy
  dimming and dying in the machine's veins. The blinding green sphere reverted
  to a normal steel orb. The beam lazily disconnected, though it still took a
  couple of seconds for the tail end to trail from Buck's dog tags to Olga's
  medals and into Alice's body. She felt certain that in that last few seconds
  the damn thing had managed to pack another baby in. It certainly looked

  that way from the obscene globe of maternity that she now possessed.

      Alice couldn't decide whether she wanted to tear her
  horrified eyes off her belly long enough to give Buck the evil eye.

      Olga was ecstatic.

      "Oh, mein little cuckoo, you have finally made your nest."
  she laughed, pacing over to Alice.

      "You're the cuckoo you crazy- crazy -"

      "Kraut?" Buck offered.

      "Big vords coming from a spy." Olga shrugged. "But do
  not vorry my dear, you do not have to sneak about other nests now,
  Germany vill be your home."

      Alice spat at Olga. She merely turned her head to avoid it.

      Taking up a clip board, Olga decided to take notes on the
  results of her "experiment". She looked Alice over as if she were a prize
  winning pet.

      "Very good, very good..." she murmured to

      Alice jumped as she felt cold gloved hands grabbing her
  behind. She was even more worried by how tiny the hands felt- and how big her
  bottom must be.

      Coming up to face the enslaved agent, Olga grinned at Alice
  over her belly. Alice glared back. The nazi, though, slid in closer, pressing
  her body against the huge curves of Alice's womb. The spy took no pleasure in
  feeling just how big she had become.

      "My my my..." Olga cooed. Her gloved hands glided across
  Alice's stomach to her breasts, and began cupping the hugely swollen
  endowments. Alice felt a spike of embarrassment as a tingle of pleasure and
  pain swept over her enlarged and, apparently newly sensitive breasts. She
  didn't know if Olga had been looking for her nipples, but she certainly
  had no trouble finding them now. She pressed close to Alice, so that their
  faces were less than a foot apart, and their massive pooling breasts met.
  Alice did not appreciate the symmetry of their endowments. "Looks like you
  might have a little Aryan blood in you after all." Olga grinned, rubbing her
  thumbs against the soft wealth of skin.

      "Or perhaps that should be a lot of Aryan blood."
  she added, slapping the huge baby carriage upon Alice's waist. With that she
  broke off into yet another bought of evil laughter.

      "You're only doing one of us today, right?" Buck suggested

      Olga frowned at Buck. "Naughty, naughty, Mister Hammer."
  she wagged her finger and waltzed over to Buck. "Trying to get out of our
  little experiment? Tsk." she grabbed the offending dog tags and gave them a
  hard yank. The chain snapped immediately, and Olga dropped the little
  reflective slips of metal to the floor. "Now as punishment I tink I'll give
  you a double dose." Olga grinned wildly.


It's not over! To read the rest of the story check out my site, Bastion Works! Link is in the description/my jounral.

Hey, long time no update! Here's part of a story I'm putting up on Bastion Works. Sorry to be a tease, but to get the full thing you'll have to head over to Bastion Works, but I'm sure there's enough here to whet your appetite!

This is a silly story I wrote that was heavily inspired by Rex Steele, Nazi Smasher a hilarious little animated romp that gave me the idea.

I hope you all enjoy!
© 2009 - 2024 Darien-Shields
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reader566's avatar
I miss all of the Bastion Works stuff! Are you going to upload it anywhere now that the site is down?